Sunday, 15 November 2020

Resume article about Equality

Name : Sinta Budiyanti

NPM : 0919013411

Class : Department of English Education/3rd Semester/morning

Find an article about Equality, and Resume it.

Equality of Gender

1. Article

Maintaining progress on gender equality is key to Indonesia’s pandemic recovery

Indonesia’s economy has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) predicts that the economy could shrink between 2.8 percent and 3.9 percent in 2020, while Indonesia’s Manpower Ministry expects 5.5 million people will lose their jobs. The key challenge for policymakers will be how to get people back to work and resume economic growth. Maintaining the country’s progress on gender equality will be key to addressing the impact of COVID-19 and driving the recovery. Even before COVID-19, global progress towards gender parity had been uneven. According to the McKinsey Global Institute’s Power of Parity research that mapped 15 gender indicators across 95 countries, in many places, progress had stagnated or reversed over recent years. Indonesia had bucked that trend. The country was successfully bringing more women into work, by far the biggest contributor to gender equality. Women make up around 39 percent of Indonesia’s workforce, an increase from 2014 to 2019 and slightly above the average of 38 percent for the 95 countries tracked. According to World Bank data, in 2019, 41 percent of those jobs were formal salaried jobs, up from 28 percent in 2000 — a sign that the quality of women’s jobs was improving. Major challenges remained, but Indonesia’s progress was tangible. In less than a decade, Indonesia has also doubled girls’ enrollment in secondary schools, made rapid progress in reducing maternal mortality, and set a 30 percent quota for female candidates for government, which has helped Indonesia to be of the best performers in Asia Pacific on the representation of women in politics. Now, COVID-19 and its economic fallout risks reversing these hard-won gains. While most people’s lives have been negatively affected by the crisis, our analysis shows that, overall, women’s jobs and livelihoods have proved more vulnerable to the pandemic. We found that globally women account for 54 percent of overall job losses despite comprising 39 percent of the global workforce. Put another way, a woman in work is nearly twice as likely to lose job than a man. There are several reasons, in addition to existing gender inequalities, for this disproportionate economic impact on women. Women already do an average of 75 percent of the world’s unpaid care work. The pandemic has significantly increased the burden of unpaid work, and women have borne the brunt of that increase. Women and men also tend to work in different occupations. Our analysis suggests that women’s jobs are 19 percent more at risk than men’s jobs because women tend to work in sectors negatively affected by the pandemic, such as retail, accommodation and food service. Attitudes about the role of women are also a factor, as are financial and digital access. The pandemic is thus having a devastating, dual impact on both economics and on gender equality. These twin crises are not distinct from each other. Similarly, solutions to both will be mutually reinforcing. To understand this better, we looked at the impact on economic growth of taking action on gender equality now, later, and not at all, with a focus on six countries including Indonesia and India. We found that if no action is taken to counter the gender-regressive effects of COVID-19, global gross domestic product (GDP) growth could be US$1 trillion lower in 2030. That would represent a significant hit to economies already struggling to recover from the pandemic. Conversely, we found that if policy makers make decisions now, in 2020 and beyond, that boost gender equality by 2030, it could add $13 trillion to global GDP. By raising their participation, boosting the hours that women work, and increasing the share of women working in higher productivity sectors, McKinsey Global Institute has found that Indonesia could add $185 billion to GDP by 2030 —10 percent above the gender-regressive scenario. The research also sent a strong signal on timing. A middle path — taking action on gender equality only after the crisis has subsided rather than now — reduces the potential opportunity by more than $5 trillion. The cost of that delay amounts to three quarters of the total GDP we could potentially lose to COVID-19 this year. Gender equality is not just an issue for policy makers. Our research found a diversity dividend for companies. Those companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 25 percent more likely to have above-average profitability than those in the bottom quartile. Companies pulling back on diversity and inclusion may be placing themselves at a disadvantage in terms of resilience and the ability to recover from the current crisis. The message is clear: The faster policy makers and business leaders push for greater gender equality, even as the COVID-19 crisis continues, the bigger the benefits, not just for gender equality but also for economic growth. What measures should policy and business leaders consider? Indonesia does not need to reinvent the wheel. Now is the time to double down on progressive gender policies that were working well before the crisis in order to increase the growth dividend they deliver. Tried and tested tools to boost gender equality include reducing the amount of unpaid work and rebalancing it between men and women, and increasing digital and financial inclusion. Any drive toward gender parity must include efforts to change entrenched, widespread attitudes about women’s role in society. This is an extremely difficult and complex challenge in Indonesia that will require all stakeholders to play a sustained part. Interventions to address the economic participation of women must also address broader societal aspects of gender inequality such as safeguarding girls’ education, tackling violence against women, and addressing entrenched views about the role of women. Importantly, we should not delay. It is time for us all to step up and make gender equality a reality. 


2. Resume!

The Equality of Women in Covid-19 era

       In this era, Indonesia have somes crisis with Covid-19. There are so many people lost their job because this pandemic. Indonesia’s Manpower Ministry expects 5.5 million people will lose their jobs. We need to find the way to make people come with their job back. The key to addressing the Impact of Covid-19 is maintaining the country’s progress on gender equality. In Indonesia, in this country has just a good result with women get their job. The percentage of women’s work in Indonesia has been increase in 39 percent of Indonesia’s workforce.  According to World Bank data, in 2019, 41 percent of those jobs were formal salaried jobs, up from 28 percent in 2000 — a sign that the quality of women’s jobs was improving. 

        There are some fact that Indonesia have some good result with the equality of women’s job, doubled girls enrollment on education, reducing maternal mortality, and make places for women on government. And this is the way to recover Indonesia from pandemic, with rising women’s participation, can increase hours of work, and increasing share of women working in higher productivity sectors. The companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 25 percent more likely to have above-average profitability than those in the bottom quartile. Companies pulling back on diversity and inclusion may be placing themselves at a disadvantage in terms of resilience and the ability to recover from the current crisis. The message is clear: The faster policy makers and business leaders push for greater gender equality, even as the COVID-19 crisis continues, the bigger the benefits, not just for gender equality but also for economic growth.

        So we need to increase on progressive gender policies that were working well before the crisis. It can be help our financial, even in Covid-19 era. The best way to do the equality of gender, especially in women's right, it can be to protect women's education, tackling the violence in women, and addressing entrenched views about women's role.  This is the time to make a big step with the equality of women.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Reading : Morning Problems

Name : Sinta Budiyanti (0919013411)

Class : Department of English Education – 3rd Semester (morning class)



If you are depressed, or think you might be depressed, it is important to consult a mental health professional for expert guidance. However the following coping strategies may help you to begin your day in a more relaxed and calm manner.


Since poor sleep cycles are thought to be a contributing factor in morning depression, trying to improve your sleep cycle is a good place to start. Try developing a regular routine that you follow before going to sleep. Your routine should suit your lifestyle, preferences and habit but you should focus on being relaxed rather than stimulated. For example

Try to go to bed at the same time most nights. Wake up at the same time most mornings.

Caffeine and alcohol are known to disturb sleep. It’s good to avoid these as bedtime approaches. Caffeine may be found in a number of foods including sweets and soft drinks.

Electronic devices can stimulate rather than relax. If you are using devices, turn on ‘night mode’ at least one hour before sleeping.

Rather than use your devices, try a relaxing activity before bed. For example, you could have a warm bath, read a book, play a musical instrument or practice mindfulness meditation.

Create comfortable sleeping conditions: think about your preferred pillows and mattress, sleep wear, room temperature, lighting

Some of us have difficulty letting go of our thoughts as we sleep. As a result, they linger on in our psyche. Try to empty your mind of any worries and concerns before going to sleep by writing them down

Include preparations for the next morning in your bedtime routine (see below)


A balanced diet that includes an abundance of fresh food can greatly assist us to get the energy we need to operate at our best. Lack of good quality food in the right quantities can result in reduced blood sugar levels and worsened depressive symptoms. In the mornings, particularly if we are struggling with depression, we often opt for the easiest breakfast we can get our hands on (if we bother to eat at all). Often this will include processed foods or ingredients which may not have the same nutritional value as fresh, whole foods. It is important to eat a nutritious wholefood breakfast to bring our blood sugar levels back up to a level where we can function more efficiently. This helps to reduce tiredness associated with morning depression.

While a nutritious breakfast helps you start the day, there are a number of foods that are thought to help manage depression that could be included into your meals throughout the day. For example:

Dark leafy greens such as spinach, watercress and kale are rich in folate, a water-soluble B vitamin. Low folate levels have been linked to depressive symptoms.

Dark Chocolate -yes, dark chocolate (in moderation). Cocoa beans contain antioxidants that can lower the risk of depression.

Other foods high in antioxidants include fruits and vegetables, nuts and whole-grains.

Overall, research suggests that the more natural and less refined the food is, the more likely it is to help decrease symptoms of depression, while more refined, sugary and caffeine rich foods may have a negative impact on moods.


Experiencing morning depression can make for a slow start to the day. However this can mean getting up just in time to rush off to school/uni, work, the gym, etc. This may intensify feelings of stress and anxiety, and even start to impact other areas such as your closest relationships or job performance. It’s a good idea to allow yourself a little more time to get ready in the mornings. Even ten minutes can make a huge difference. It can also be helpful to develop a morning routine. Again, your routine should suit your lifestyle, preferences and habit, but begin with the easier, smaller tasks that take less energy. For example

Try a few stretches when you first get out of bed or as part of your showering and dressing routine.

Waking up to chaos and confusion can intensify morning depression. You can reduce this by incorporating some morning preparations into your pre-bed routine. This can relieve you of some of the decisions you face in the morning as well as saving some time. As suggested above, decide what you’re going to wear, make breakfast preparations, keep your car keys and wallet/handbag in the same place.

Include an interesting activity in your morning routine. This can help to get you going. For example, you could try listening to music, playing with your pet or reading for a short while. Choose an activity that rejuvenates your mind and helps you feel centred.

Some of us have difficulty letting go of our thoughts as we sleep. As a result, they linger on in our psyche and force us to wake up to an avalanche of tumultuous emotions. Similarly, if you’re not happy with your reality, you may be averse in waking up to it every morning. For example, you may be dissatisfied with your marriage, income or job. You develop an inherent wish to avoid stepping into a stressful reality; essentially, we are in a state of denial and want to avoid facing our problems that seem to come rushing at us every morning.

It can be extremely draining to have to go through these emotions every morning. However morning depression can be managed. Proactively implementing effective coping strategies can help overcome the condition and wake up to exhilaration and vitality.


Saturday, 19 September 2020

Reading : Mapping about Morning Problems


Nama: Sinta Budiyanti (0919013411)

Kelas: Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris - 3 rd Semester (kelas pagi)


Jika Anda mengalami depresi, atau merasa mungkin mengalami depresi, penting untuk berkonsultasi dengan ahli kesehatan mental untuk mendapatkan panduan ahli. Namun strategi penanggulangan berikut   dapat membantu Anda memulai hari dengan cara yang lebih rileks dan tenang.


Karena siklus tidur yang buruk dianggap sebagai faktor penyebab depresi pagi, mencoba memperbaiki siklus tidur Anda adalah awal yang baik. Cobalah kembangkan rutinitas rutin yang Anda ikuti sebelum tidur. Rutinitas Anda harus sesuai dengan gaya hidup, preferensi dan kebiasaan Anda, tetapi Anda harus fokus untuk menjadi rileks daripada terstimulasi. Sebagai contoh

1.       Usahakan tidur pada waktu yang sama hampir setiap malam. Bangun di waktu yang sama hampir setiap pagi.

2.       Kafein dan alkohol diketahui mengganggu tidur. Sebaiknya hindari ini saat mendekati waktu tidur. Kafein dapat ditemukan di sejumlah makanan termasuk permen dan minuman ringan.

3.       Perangkat elektronik bisa merangsang daripada bersantai. Jika Anda menggunakan perangkat, aktifkan 'mode malam' setidaknya satu jam sebelum tidur.

4.       Daripada menggunakan perangkat Anda, cobalah aktivitas santai sebelum tidur. Misalnya, Anda bisa mandi air hangat, membaca buku, memainkan alat musik, atau berlatih  meditasi kesadaran .

5.       Ciptakan kondisi tidur yang nyaman: pikirkan bantal dan kasur pilihan Anda, pakaian tidur, suhu ruangan, pencahayaan

6.       Beberapa dari kita mengalami kesulitan melepaskan pikiran kita saat kita tidur. Akibatnya, mereka bertahan dalam jiwa kita. Cobalah untuk mengosongkan pikiran Anda dari kekhawatiran dan kekhawatiran apa pun sebelum tidur dengan menuliskannya

7.       Sertakan persiapan untuk pagi berikutnya dalam rutinitas waktu tidur Anda (lihat di bawah)



Pola makan seimbang yang mencakup banyak makanan segar dapat sangat membantu kita mendapatkan energi yang kita butuhkan untuk bekerja sebaik mungkin. Kekurangan makanan berkualitas baik dalam jumlah yang tepat dapat menyebabkan penurunan kadar gula darah dan memperburuk gejala depresi. Di pagi hari, terutama jika kita berjuang melawan depresi, kita sering memilih sarapan termudah yang bisa kita dapatkan (jika kita repot-repot makan sama sekali). Seringkali ini termasuk makanan atau bahan olahan yang mungkin tidak memiliki nilai gizi yang sama dengan makanan segar dan utuh. Penting untuk menyantap sarapan makanan lengkap yang bergizi untuk mengembalikan kadar gula darah kita ke tingkat di mana kita dapat berfungsi lebih efisien. Ini membantu mengurangi kelelahan yang terkait dengan depresi pagi.

Meskipun sarapan bergizi membantu Anda memulai hari, ada sejumlah makanan yang dianggap  membantu mengelola depresi  yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam makanan Anda sepanjang hari. Sebagai contoh:

1.       Sayuran berdaun gelap seperti bayam, selada air dan kangkung kaya akan folat, vitamin B yang larut dalam air. Kadar folat yang rendah telah dikaitkan dengan gejala depresi.

2.       Cokelat Hitam -ya, cokelat hitam (secukupnya). Biji kakao mengandung antioksidan yang dapat menurunkan risiko depresi.

3.       Makanan lain yang tinggi antioksidan  termasuk buah-buahan dan sayuran, kacang-kacangan, dan biji-bijian.

Secara keseluruhan,  penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa makanan yang lebih alami dan kurang olahan, semakin besar kemungkinannya untuk membantu mengurangi gejala depresi, sementara makanan yang lebih berkelas, kaya gula dan kafein dapat berdampak negatif pada suasana hati.


Experiencing morning depression can make for a slow start to the day. However this can mean getting up just in time to rush off to school/uni, work, the gym, etc. This may intensify feelings of stress and anxiety, and even start to impact other areas such as your closest relationships or job performance. It’s a good idea to allow yourself a little more time to get ready in the mornings. Even ten minutes can make a huge difference. It can also be helpful to develop a morning routine. Again, your routine should suit your lifestyle, preferences and habit, but begin with the easier, smaller tasks that take less energy. For example

1.       Try a few stretches when you first get out of bed or as part of your showering and dressing routine.

2.       Bangun karena kekacauan dan kebingungan dapat memperparah depresi pagi. Anda dapat menguranginya dengan memasukkan beberapa persiapan pagi ke dalam rutinitas sebelum tidur. Ini dapat membebaskan Anda dari beberapa keputusan yang Anda hadapi di pagi hari serta menghemat waktu. Seperti yang disarankan di atas, putuskan apa yang akan Anda kenakan, buat persiapan sarapan, simpan kunci mobil dan dompet / tas tangan Anda di tempat yang sama.

3.       Sertakan aktivitas menarik dalam rutinitas pagi Anda. Ini dapat membantu Anda melanjutkan. Misalnya, Anda dapat mencoba mendengarkan musik, bermain dengan hewan peliharaan, atau membaca sebentar. Pilih aktivitas yang meremajakan pikiran Anda dan membantu Anda merasa terpusat.

Beberapa dari kita mengalami kesulitan melepaskan pikiran kita saat kita tidur. Akibatnya, mereka tetap ada di dalam jiwa kita dan memaksa kita untuk terbangun karena luapan emosi yang kacau. Demikian pula, jika Anda tidak senang dengan kenyataan Anda, Anda mungkin enggan membangunkannya setiap pagi. Misalnya, Anda mungkin tidak puas dengan pernikahan, penghasilan, atau pekerjaan Anda. Anda mengembangkan keinginan yang melekat untuk menghindari melangkah ke realitas yang penuh tekanan; intinya, kita berada dalam keadaan penyangkalan dan ingin menghindari menghadapi masalah kita yang sepertinya datang terburu-buru pada kita setiap pagi.

Menghabiskan emosi ini setiap pagi bisa sangat melelahkan. Bagaimanapun, depresi pagi hari bisa diatasi. Menerapkan strategi koping yang efektif secara proaktif   dapat membantu mengatasi kondisi tersebut dan bangun dengan kegembiraan dan vitalitas.


Monday, 20 April 2020

EXPLANATION TEXT : Why Corona Virus Deadly by Sinta Budiyanti

Why Corona Virus Deadly

         Corona Virus is a group of relat viruses that causes disease in mammals and birds. Corona Virus causes by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The case of Corona Virus is varies wildly from country to country and even within nations from week to week.

Why Corona Virus Deadly? 

         In Indonesian based on statistic of Corona Virus that there are 6.575 confirmed, 686 recovered, and 582 deaths. It shows that Corona Virus is very dangerous and deadly. Corona Virus attacks the respiratory organs but the doctor  have found that it can affect many organs, including the heart, muscles, liver and kidneys. Corona Virus is dangerous and can spreads quickly. Because Corona can attacks the immune system that can lead to long-term lung damage or death.The symptoms Corona Virus are cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc. The first time of the symptoms is in around five days till 14 days, it starts with fever, and cough . The last symptoms shortness of breath, there are a lot of people is death because of this.However, it can be different.There are some people infect by the Corona Virus without the symptoms. It difficult to prevent with this people and can spread without no one knows it. Even if compare with Sars, Corona Virus in this time kill 20 per cent of patients and kill more than 3 per cent of confirm cases. Meanwhile, Sars kills 10 per cent of infects individuals. 80 per cent that confirms of Corona Virus is elder people. It because they are have no strong immune body systems.

        Corona Virus is dangerous and deadly because it can spread quickly one by one. It's important that we have to know how to prevent by Corona Virus. Such as to wash hands cleanly, use a mask to cover your face, do not touch your face without hygienist hands, do not contact with anyone, etc. It can be affective to reduce Corona Virus disease.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Descriptive text : Linggo Asri

Linggo Asri

        Linggo Asri is a wonderful tourist attraction in Pekalongan.

        Linggo Asri is one of popular place in Pekalongan. Linggo Asri is located in Kajen on the part of Pekalongan in Central Java. The carm of Linggo asri can not be doubt, there are a lot of beautiful spot in this area.

        Moreover, the location of Linggo Asri is strategic, which is located in the between Pekalongan regency and Banjarnegara regency. Linggo Asri also stands in mountain region which still in the foot of Dieng mountain. The heigh is more than 700 m above sea level. It makes Linggo Asri be favorite tourist attraction. Linggo Asri provide lots of tourist vehicles that are very interested. There are beautiful parks, outbound area, waterpark, mini zoo, etc. Linggo Asri not only be favorite place for tourist but also be favorite place for local community.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Report Text : Siraman of the Traditional Wedding Procession

Siraman of the Traditional Wedding Procession

Picture by Pinterest

        Siraman is the popular wedding procession in Javanese. Siraman means take a bath by the bride-to-be. The couple who doing this procession will be bath by their parents and another people whom important in their lived. The purpose of this tradition is to clean their body and their soul as well.

Picture by Pinterest

     Siraman usually organized in afternoon before wedding ceremony. The place of Siraman is their parent's house, or the place specially designed for this procession. There are a lot of items for Siraman. There are Kendi, Coconut as a dipper water, Batik cloth, flowers, small chair, etc. 

Picture by Pinterest

        The first procession of Siraman is the bride-to-be stay at the bedroom. Afterthat, their parents come to the bedroom and escorted to the Siraman place. Some people walk in behind them and bring the items for Siraman. The first people pour the water are their parents, and the last person is call Pamaes.

Picture by Pinterest

        Siraman is and old tradition from Java but it still exists till today. Siraman always become important wedding procession for some javanese. As a new generation, it become our duty to preserve this tradition.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Narrative Text : Black and White

Black and White
Created by : Sinta Budiyanti

        Achromatopsia or we also known complete color blindness was people with this condition cannot perceived any colors except black, white, and shades of grey. And also,  Achromatopsia was more sensitive with light and glare, farsightedness, etc. It was difficult to lived in this world that have a lot of color in around. 1 person from 30.000 people has been suffering from Achromatopsia. Unfortunately, Alyssa was including from 1 person has been suffering Achromatopsia.

        One day, there was a little family that have only two people (brother and sister). The oldest was Nicholas in 20 years old and the youngest was Alyssa in 17 years old. They live in a small flat with a cheaper price. They were orphan, their parents got an accident that must being passed away in the way. Alyssa was the only survive from the accident that snough of their parent lived because Nicholas in the same time was not at home. Their house also burnt in this accident without known the reason untill now. Nicholas felt lucky because he still had his beautiful sister. He can not imagined his lives without Alyssa and until now Nicholas promise that he would been protect his sister who the only family he had.

        Alyssa stared down at her birthday mug, she held this mug loosely with her hands. Saw untouched black water that Nick said it was a chocolate milk. It was October 15th and two days later was Nick birthday. Alyssa felt confused, she want to celebrate her brother birthday but Nick prohibit to out from this flat. Alyssa know that she can not out without Nick because her eyes. Sometimes, Alyssa felt really curious about the atmosphere outside the house without her glasses. She want to see the world not only in black or white color... even though it never happen.

        Rebecca came with a lot of food for lunch, fyi Rebecca was Nick's girlfriend who live in the next door. She was beautiful, smart, and really kind to Alyssa. When Rebecca saw the sad in Alyssa face, she came closer. Alyssa felt it was a chance to asked her about Nick birthday. Although Rebecca felt doubt to accept Alyssa to came out the flat, but Rebecca agreed as long as Alyssa went with her.

        In outside, it was too bright for Alyssa even she used a glasses for her eyes. inspite of this, it never being a reason to came out. Alyssa was so excited to saw all of thing. For her eyes it looks only black or white but she sure that the world was colorful and so interested. Rebecca and Alyssa decided to looking for ingredient to made a birthday cake. Of course it was not a perfect present for birthday, but it was good enough. Alyssa can smell a good cake in this shop, Rebecca smile to her and took her hand. Rebecca said that Nick will be happy that he know her sister make a birthday cake for him. Alyssa trusted it and followed Rebecca.

          There was a lot of interested cake can saw by Alyssa. Although it look grey but she sure it was amazing cake. Rebecca help Alyssa to choose the ingredient, she never gave up to told Alyssa what the color of this thing. And Alyssa believe her as she believe her brother. The time walked without being felt. Finally, the ingredient was complete. It was the time to went back and started to cook the cake before Nick came from his job.

         Alyssa and Rebecca arrived the flat and started to making a birthday cake. It was easy when the both of them worked together. However, Rebecca got urgent called from her parent that she have to came because her father collapsed in the bathroom. Alyssa panicked and want to came with Rebecca but Rebecca calmly said if do not worry and she want Alyssa to stayed at flat. It was not the first time to know Rebecca's father collapse. Rebecca told that her father will be okay and want Alyssa to made birthday cake alone.

        Alyssa felt confused but she followed Rebecca advised to her. Rebecca left the instruction about the ingredient, and Alyssa felt it was be nice. Unfortunately, it was not like her expectation. When the brownies cooked, she felt confused about the cream. Rebecca forgot to told Alyssa about the color of these cream. There was fourth cream and all of them looked the same in Alyssa eyes. It was being grey. Alyssa want to called Rebecca but she never sure to called Rebecca in this time that her father collapsed. Alyssa felt confused and she decided to just picked randomly. She hope that it never being so bad.

         The clock in 7 P.M. and Nick came back from worked. He looked exhausted, but he always smile for his lovely sister. Sometime, Alyssa felt disappointed for her condition, she did not want burden her brother.

        Nick looked that Alyssa sank to her daydreaming. He approached her and grabbed her waist. Alyssa was shocked but she just hug her brother back so tight. Alyssa cried so loud without she aware of this and she said, “Happy birthday, Nick.” Nich was unexpected that Alyssa remember his born day but he was happy.

        Alyssa take off their hug and grab Nick arm to followed Alyssa came to kitchen room. Nick was shocked again that he saw a birthday cake. Alyssa was nervous about the cake and Nick who aware of that, took a chair and sat in front of cake. He said that the cake was awesome but Alyssa not believe him. Alyssa want Nick told about the color of this cake.  Nick laughed, and started to talking the truth. The color of this cake was yellow, the flower from cream was red, and the font of happy birthday was white. Alyssa definitely did not understand what is yellow or red. She just saw the white of the cake or the font and the dark color for the flower. However, Alyssa sure that she cake failed. Nick giggled and started to ate the cake without Alyssa permission. Nick told that the color was not important, it was about the taste and effort. Nick told the truth that the combined of the color was bad and only the flower was good. The flower was red.

        Nick ever told Alyssa that she favorite color was red because Alyssa looked beautiful when she used red in her clothes ... looked beautiful when she shy and her cheeks got red.. looked beautiful when she took a red rose. Red was so suitable with Alyssa. Red was brave symbol because Nick know that Alyssa was brave. And also, red was love and he want Alyssa to know that she was being so loving for all of people. Alyssa believe it, she just looked the dark of grey from the red but she believe that red was beautiful that Nick told her.

       Never give up about your condition because all of people have a good way for each other. Do not be hopeless when you have your family because your family always support in behind you.

—The End—

Resume article about Equality

Name : Sinta Budiyanti NPM : 0919013411 Class : Department of English Education/3rd Semester/morning Find an article about Equality, and ...